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So I am having the time of my life with Italian WMS’s 👌 and some of them even have some table data queries connected to them. I would however like to get the table information for more than one feature at at time, instead of opening in PRO and click each polygon and collect. Knowing that FME does not support standard GetFeatureInfo yet then I’m speculating if someone has created some artful way of achieving this anyway (sure there are plenty of those).

So far my idea is to fetch a center point for each of my respective polygons, do coordinate extraction and then add those values to a standard HTTP based GetFeatureInfo request with some FME string gymnastics.


The WMS in question is this here:


The layer being:


And the information being fetched from the query being:

  • InspireID LocalID
  • InspireId_namespace
  • Label
  • NationalCadastralReference


All suggestions what would be the best way to achieve this in regards of Transformers and how/where to throw together the request itself is greatly appreciated 


PS. I’m just using basic Creator to FeatureReader to fetch rastertiles of the data and then doing some vectorizing to get a hold of the spatial data.

Ok kind of figured this out by just building a manual GetFeatureInfo query, but then the mystery remains why both throwing a HMTL and GML queries at it result in, as the Italian fraze it:

non valida

