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The cityGML results keep all data except geometry data, then this error alert. What's the matter?Have you ever meet this problem?

Hi @ypyao1993, the log messages are describing the reason. MultiAreas and Donuts cannot be converted to Polygons with the GeometryCoercer, and they will be output via the Untouched port without any transforming.

Why do you need to use the GeometryCoercer here?

Hi @ypyao1993, the log messages are describing the reason. MultiAreas and Donuts cannot be converted to Polygons with the GeometryCoercer, and they will be output via the Untouched port without any transforming.

Why do you need to use the GeometryCoercer here?

Actually, I wanna to convert GDB file to CityGML filefilegdb2citygml-extrude-lod1-ibg1000-rooflevel.fmw.This workspace can convert all the 300000 entities with attributes like name, height, but without geometry data(the coordinates for CityGML model). But if I remove the GeometryCoercer, this workspace can convert about 1000 entities successfully. It is really strange(see attached



I think the GeometryCoercer may help to generate fme_polygon for next step to extrude the polygon. Thanks a lot for your help, as I just start to use FME.


