
..\\FME\\metafile\\.fmf could not be opened



I have workspace which I have made with FME 2016. It works ok with 2017, I can run workspace, but I can not edit Joiners. Not even if I upgrade them. Here is error I get:

I am able to create and edit databasejoiner in new workspace.

Where can I download 2016.1 version? I have backup:)


Best answer by softwrite1 15 August 2017, 23:42

View original

10 replies

Userlevel 5

Try deleting the Joiner and then re-creating, rather than editing. Alternatively try copy-pasting the whole workspace contents into a blank workspace.

If that doesn't work you may want to try reinstalling FME. You can download FME 2016 and earlier here:

Also try running FME while logged on with admin privileges.


Deleting joiners and re-creating worked.


Deleting joiners and re-creating worked.

I am having the same issue.




I was also having this issue in dozens of workspaces with Joiners to Oracle Non-Spatial except one.

I found that by comparing the good and bad workspaces in a text editor I was able to find the Parameter for the Joiner that was causing the issue. I edited the bad workspaces by updating the parameter and the error stopped. See below for the Parameter to find and change.







Hope this helps someone.

Mike B

Badge +8

Is there another solution than re-creating the joiners? I have 2 workspaces created in FME 2016 with more than 40 Joiners in each workspace. Editing the joiners isn't working in FME Desktop 2017.

I've downloaded FME 2018 and this doesn't seem to have resolved the issue either.

The parameter mentioned by softwrite1 is already in the good form if I open the workspace in a text editor.

Userlevel 4
Badge +13

Is there another solution than re-creating the joiners? I have 2 workspaces created in FME 2016 with more than 40 Joiners in each workspace. Editing the joiners isn't working in FME Desktop 2017.

I've downloaded FME 2018 and this doesn't seem to have resolved the issue either.

The parameter mentioned by softwrite1 is already in the good form if I open the workspace in a text editor.

We're going to work to fix this for FME 2018.1's release. If that won't be an option for you we may be able to provide some scary text editor based hackeroo workaround that probably the entire company would curse me for suggesting in the first place.



Badge +8
We're going to work to fix this for FME 2018.1's release. If that won't be an option for you we may be able to provide some scary text editor based hackeroo workaround that probably the entire company would curse me for suggesting in the first place.



Great to hear Dale. Thanks for letting me know. Hope the rest of your trip in the Netherlands went well.



Userlevel 1
Badge +2

We've fixed this issue for FME 2018.1. This issue was a problem with showing Oracle table list in the DatabaseJoiner.

Badge +13

I was also having this issue in dozens of workspaces with Joiners to Oracle Non-Spatial except one.

I found that by comparing the good and bad workspaces in a text editor I was able to find the Parameter for the Joiner that was causing the issue. I edited the bad workspaces by updating the parameter and the error stopped. See below for the Parameter to find and change.







Hope this helps someone.

Mike B

@softwrite1: Yes it did... (help someone). I understand Safe can't promote editing .fmw files in notepad++ or alike, but thanks for finding this one.

Recreating dozens of Oracle Joiners in dozens of workspaces, ensuring maintained functionality, is quite a labor intensive task nobody is very enthusiastic about getting it assigned.

This issue is still popping up for me in FME 2019 .1 with SQL Executors. Deleting it and re-adding appears to have fixed the issue for this workspace.

