I have a couple of zipfiles in a folder that I basically want to rename. I've used a 'directory and and path' reader to read them in. The name I want to give them is based in the Excel file, and with the featuremerger I add that as an attribute to the file information. However, when using the filecopy writer (either with move or copy as parameter) the name doesn't change.
In the translation log, I get the following warning:
Ignoring the destination filename 'filename1' because the source dataset 'C:\\edited\\edited\\edited\\GML\\' was not a file. Destination file names are only used when the source dataset is a file'
The sourcedataset is set as the folder containing all the files I want to rename, and not one specific file, since I want to rename them all. How can I apply what I want to do?
Bonus Question. They are zipfiles, and I would wish to unzip them as well. Can that be established through FME as some sort of batchprocess as well?