During export from MicroStation GeoGraphic I get this error message from the GG-reader:
Microsoft Access Reader: Opening `H:\Produksjon\Kart\2017\Roar_data\Prosjekt\Data\Testdata\Input\TAB\ParksExport.mdb' for read operation
Microsoft Access Reader: Query failed, possibly due to a malformed statement. Query Text `SELECT * FROM PARKS WHERE PARKS.MAPID = (SELECT MSLINK FROM MAPS WHERE MAPS.MAPNAME LIKE 'ParksExport.dgn')'. Provider error `(-2147217865) The Microsoft Access database engine cannot find the input table or query 'MAPS'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.'
A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
@Relate: Failed to execute prefetch query. Continuing with incomplete cache
Microsoft Access Reader: Database read complete. Retrieved 1 feature(s)
This happens for several Reader formats.
I converted Parks.tab from the training dataset, to GG, and tried to convert back to TAB.
The errormessage comes from the GG-reader.
- What makes this happend?
-Does i cause any real problems? (data seems OK)