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I am having trouble extracting attributes from a kml for the features that have photos.

I am using XQuery similar to this example


That method works for the features that don't have photos but the features that have photos seem to have a extra section in the HTML that is causing my XQuery to fail.


The Xquery I am using is :


declare default element namespace "";

for $x in /html/body/table/tr/td/table/tr

return fme:set-attribute($x/td/1]/text(),$x/td/2]/text())


I am pretty sure I just need to modify the Xquery


Hi @mapper​ 


Please, could you share a same data example?



Thanks in Advance,


If you just want to ignore the parts with a link you could do something like this

declare default element namespace "";
let $values :=  /html/body/table/tr/td/table/tr
for $v in $values
let $attrname:= $v/tde1]bnot(a)]
let $attrval:=$v/tdo2]/text()
return fme:set-attribute($attrname,$attrval)



If you just want to ignore the parts with a link you could do something like this

declare default element namespace "";
let $values :=  /html/body/table/tr/td/table/tr
for $v in $values
let $attrname:= $v/tde1]bnot(a)]
let $attrval:=$v/tdo2]/text()
return fme:set-attribute($attrname,$attrval)



This worked perfectly! Thank you!
