
Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb Open API) Reader reading NULL if values not matching (case sensitive) with domain value

  • 11 February 2023
  • 2 replies


I am using Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb Open API) Reader to read a gdb file where some attributes are mapped to domains. If gdb contains any value not matching with domain, then reader is reading it as null.


For example: gdb has one column Citizen with domain value - 'Yes', 'No'. If any row contains 'yes' then reader is reading it as NULL because its not matching exactly with defined domain value.


I am using FME(R) 2020.2.5.0 (20210510 - Build 20827 - WIN64)

2 replies

Badge +2

@rakeshent​ I think that would be the expected result. FME is case sensitive. If you can attach a small sample dataset the someone can investigate a little further. I'm sure prosed Esri allows mismatched values to be entered

Userlevel 1
Badge +21

@rakeshent​ I think that would be the expected result. FME is case sensitive. If you can attach a small sample dataset the someone can investigate a little further. I'm sure prosed Esri allows mismatched values to be entered

I'm pretty sure ESRI doesn't allow mismatched values to be entered, but users seem to find all sorts of ways round this. The File Geodb reader reads this as is, and then you discover that you have values that are the user friendly descriptions rather than the coded value or text strings of <null> or other various delights!
