Hello there,
I am trying to execute some Python using the ArcPy module in a workbench base on this Tutorial, Using Arcpy for FME Feature Processing, but I am getting this error the following error:
Geodatabase Error (-2147220970): Cannot acquire a schema lock because of an existing lock.
Could not open File Geodatabase dataset `C:\Users\’USERNAME’\AppData\Local\Temp\wbrun_1740499345598_2444\fmetmp_24\1740665793794_2528_d\tor470\temp.gdb' for reading
Failed to obtain any schemas from reader 'FILEGDB' from 1 datasets. This may be due to invalid datasets or format accessibility issues due to licensing, dependencies, or module loading. See logfile for more information
It the issue seems to be the GeoDatabase is still “open” in memory, but my Google Fu has failed to come up with a fix