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Hi everyone,


I have set up a simple dynamic workspace that reads a shapefile, reproject coordinates and write a shapefile. This should be a general porpouse workspace indipendent of the source schema dataset, but the output dataset contains all the attributes of the input dataset plus the attributes of the dataset I used to develop the workspace (and I don't want them).


Could it be a bug of the shapefile writer? If I use a geopackage writer, instead, everything works fine.



Hi I do not know the answer to your question but maybe the webinar can help

Could you share your workspace, or at least screenshot your writer feature settings.

Could you share your workspace, or at least screenshot your writer feature settings.

Yes @jdh​ ,


here is a screenshot of the workspace.



Yes @jdh​ ,


here is a screenshot of the workspace.



On the User Attributes Tab, are there any attributes listed?

If there are, they will be added in addition to any dynamic attributes.

@davtorgh​ Follow the steps in the first section of the tutorial Dynamic Workflows. This should avoid the tangling of the dynamic attributes with the attributes from the original shape file that @jdh​ mentioned.

you have dynamic FeatureReader ?
