
Dynamic attribute reading with excel reader still not working?

  • 15 February 2022
  • 2 replies

Dynamic attribute name reading does not seem to work still (FME 2021). I'm trying to extract attribute names from certain excel row. I don't know the attribute names beforehand and workflow should be completely automatic. Basically I have attribute names like Extra1, Extra2, Extra3... and if there is any extra attributes, those names would be changed in excel: "Extra1" --> "car". What I'm trying to do is reading those changed attributes automatically, but can't get excel reader to dynamically detect changing attribute names. I know there is a work around with generic reader (link to question below) but that really don't work because I have to read specific cell range from excel and can't determine that cell range with generic reader. Any ideas how to work around this?

2 replies

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Take a look at the response from Jenna on my question ( If you add a blank excel file as a resource, it works. @jennaatsafe​ Maybe a ticket to update and get working for 2022?

Take a look at the response from Jenna on my question ( If you add a blank excel file as a resource, it works. @jennaatsafe​ Maybe a ticket to update and get working for 2022?

I fail to understand how blank excel as a resource helps? If I use generic reader I should be able to determine that attribute names are in row 16.
