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I attended last week's webinar on metadata and was happy to hear of the xsd-drive XML reader and writter. I've been attempting to modify the cap:alert demo to write a flavor of ISO19115.    


XML Validation: Starting schema validation for 'c:\...\output\tmp.xml'
The uri-map document 'C:\Program Files\FME\xml\urimap\gml_aixm.xml' is being used to map from URI to URI
The uri-map document 'C:\Program Files\FME\xml\urimap\gml_citygml.xml' is being used to map from URI to URI
The uri-map document 'C:\Program Files\FME\xml\urimap\gml_inspire.xml' is being used to map from URI to URI
The uri-map document 'C:\Program Files\FME\xml\urimap\gml_sosi.xml' is being used to map from URI to URI
The uri-map document 'C:\Program Files\FME\xml\urimap\gml_urimap.xml' is being used to map from URI to URI
XML Validation: Fatal Error in 'c:\...\output\tmp.xml' on line 1, column 39: 'invalid document structure'
XML Validation: '0' warning(s) found.
XML Validation: '1' fatal error(s) and '0' error(s) in 'c:\...\output\tmp.xml'
XSD_DRIVEN_XML writer: A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
Translation FAILED with 3 error(s) and 1 warning(s) (1 feature(s) output)

From scanning the log I don't see why this failed (beyond invalid structure). When I look at the output, I just see the the first line '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' and nothing else. 


I'm very new to FME and fairly rusty with my XML, so I have many questions. 

  1. Is there a place to see a more concrete reason why this is failing?
  2. The schema uses multiple namespaces (unlike the cap demo). Which do I need to include? Do I write them as xyx:someAttr when defining them the AttributeCreator?
  3. Can I write long nested XML paths like contact.CI_ResponsibleParty.organizationName?


I'm moving on the try the XMLTemplater in the meantime, but I'd love to figure out how this works.



Hello @jhevenor​ , thanks for posting to the FME Community! Glad to hear you enjoyed the webinar. Would you be willing to share your workspace, app schemas and source data so I can repro this on my end? Let me know if you aren't able to share your data publically. Here to help, Kailin.

Hi Kailin, thanks for the quick reply.

The schema is downloaded from here:


I've attached the basic writer. I started with the xsd-driven xml writer tutorial with the writer pointing to the XSD in the zip at path `\\DMF_Schemas_Offline\\\\xmlns\\dmf\\2.0\\iso-g2\\profile\\all\\all.xsd`, and changed the writer 'root element' to gmi:MI_Metadata.


Then I just tried to populate an attributeCreator for one of the required elements -- gmd:contact. I've tried creating these attributes with namespace and without, etc.


There's a sample metadata record found on github that I've referenced as it's easier to read than XSD.


I hope this all makes sense. As I say, I can run the tutorial and create cap:alert, but I don't see how to make the jump to these more complicated / mixed namespace scenarios. I'm hoping that there's just a 'read this and it will all make sense' type answer. Any help or direction is appreciated.


Hi Kailin, thanks for the quick reply.

The schema is downloaded from here:


I've attached the basic writer. I started with the xsd-driven xml writer tutorial with the writer pointing to the XSD in the zip at path `\\DMF_Schemas_Offline\\\\xmlns\\dmf\\2.0\\iso-g2\\profile\\all\\all.xsd`, and changed the writer 'root element' to gmi:MI_Metadata.


Then I just tried to populate an attributeCreator for one of the required elements -- gmd:contact. I've tried creating these attributes with namespace and without, etc.


There's a sample metadata record found on github that I've referenced as it's easier to read than XSD.


I hope this all makes sense. As I say, I can run the tutorial and create cap:alert, but I don't see how to make the jump to these more complicated / mixed namespace scenarios. I'm hoping that there's just a 'read this and it will all make sense' type answer. Any help or direction is appreciated.


Hello @jhevenor​  - I hope you don't mind. I decided to take this off the community, opened a support ticket on your behalf! You should see an email shortly. Best, Kailin.
