I attended last week's webinar on metadata and was happy to hear of the xsd-drive XML reader and writter. I've been attempting to modify the cap:alert demo to write a flavor of ISO19115.
XML Validation: Starting schema validation for 'c:\...\output\tmp.xml'
The uri-map document 'C:\Program Files\FME\xml\urimap\gml_aixm.xml' is being used to map from URI to URI
The uri-map document 'C:\Program Files\FME\xml\urimap\gml_citygml.xml' is being used to map from URI to URI
The uri-map document 'C:\Program Files\FME\xml\urimap\gml_inspire.xml' is being used to map from URI to URI
The uri-map document 'C:\Program Files\FME\xml\urimap\gml_sosi.xml' is being used to map from URI to URI
The uri-map document 'C:\Program Files\FME\xml\urimap\gml_urimap.xml' is being used to map from URI to URI
XML Validation: Fatal Error in 'c:\...\output\tmp.xml' on line 1, column 39: 'invalid document structure'
XML Validation: '0' warning(s) found.
XML Validation: '1' fatal error(s) and '0' error(s) in 'c:\...\output\tmp.xml'
XSD_DRIVEN_XML writer: A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
Translation FAILED with 3 error(s) and 1 warning(s) (1 feature(s) output)
From scanning the log I don't see why this failed (beyond invalid structure). When I look at the output, I just see the the first line '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' and nothing else.
I'm very new to FME and fairly rusty with my XML, so I have many questions.
- Is there a place to see a more concrete reason why this is failing?
- The schema uses multiple namespaces (unlike the cap demo). Which do I need to include? Do I write them as xyx:someAttr when defining them the AttributeCreator?
- Can I write long nested XML paths like contact.CI_ResponsibleParty.organizationName?
I'm moving on the try the XMLTemplater in the meantime, but I'd love to figure out how this works.