I am trying to read a AutoCADMap 3D .layer file which contains the following details,
<Geom>M -130.0,130.0 L 130.0,130.0 L 130.0,-130.0 L -130.0,-130.0 L -130.0,130.0 M -130.0,0.0 L 130.0,0.0 M 82.425,0.0 A 82.425,82.425 0.0 1 0 -82.425,0.0 A 82.425,82.425 0.0 1 0 82.425,0.0</Geom>
The Geom element has data in SVG format. I need to convert this format into Oracle SDO_GEOMETRY and store the data in Oracle spatial table.
I don't find any off-the-shelf reader/transformer. How do I perform the transformation in FME?