I have a data set that includes a date field with the date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD and a time period field where the time is given a number for every 15 minute interval.
For example between 00:00:00 and 00:14:59 the time-period variable value is 00 and for between 00:15:00 and 00:29:59 the time period value is 01. This number increases all the way up to 95 for every 15 minute interval within a 24 hour period.
I have created an Excel spreadsheet which correlates the time period with the value in the data as below:-
time timeperiod
00:14:59 00
00:29:59 01
I need to get a single field containing the time and date and can not work out the best way of combining the fields in each record. I was planning on using a feature merger on the time period field in both the data and spreadsheet, but am not sure on the best method of combining the date and time fields.
All suggestions welcome.