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Hi all,


I have been trying to use the FME to clean up the DWG file.(mainly get rid of short line and duplicate line)


Also I was trying to convert arc and ellipses to line. But I ended up with lots of short lines and still lots of duplication.


Please see the attached picture which I used MRF categories. 


I appreciate any guidance, 








Is it solved?



Hi Pratap, 


I added some  more transformer to clean short segmetns but I still have two main problem;


First,I have several lines next to each other in the same direction which I want to turn them into one line. 


Second, when I am usingthe Arcstrok and Chopper my spline turns to lots of short lines. 


1. First,I have several lines next to each other in the same direction which I want to turn them into one line. 



Please clarify whether these are duplicates in aspects of length and coordinates or is there a difference



2. Second, when I am usingthe Arcstrok and Chopper my spline turns to lots of short lines.



Whether the input data contains short lines and duplicate lines or Arcstrok and Chopper transformers are creating them.



Is it possible to send a sample input data, such that I can see and suggest
please send a sample input file to and sample output file how u want.
If I understood correctly, for 1st point use LineJoiner Transformer. It will connects them to form longer lines.
Okay, great.Sent 
I tried Joiner and Entender but it was just making a group of them while I want to turn them to one line! 


Can I turn them to one line with LineJoiner?
Yes Please try it
