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Hi Guys,


I've been searching the documentation trying to find out if it's possible to change the type of a ESRI Shapefile after you've added the writer?  By type I mean the Writer options of 2D, 2D + measures, 3D.



There doesn't seem to be a config setting in the writer but I have seen the "Allowed Geometries" which has setting shape_polygon and shape_polygonm (for example).  Is this the same config as the type of file or is it just part of it?



Does any know if it is possible and if so what config needs changing?



The reason I don't want to change the Writer and start again is i have a lot of mapping and column config set up that I don't want to redo.












Simply change the geometry type on the output feature type according to your needs. Example:



shape_polygon: 2D polygons without measures


shape_polygonm: 2D polygons with measures


shape_polygonz: 3D polygons with measures





Great, I hoped that's all it was.  Thanks for confirming.



How do I change geometry to shape_polygon instead of shape_polygonz when using a generic writer?



It seems like the generic writer creates shape_polygonz by default.



Thanks, /Roger
Hi Guys - i've a follow up to this.  I've made the change and happy it does what is needed but now FME is producing a .cpg file as well.  It seems to be ralated to this change.  Do you know how to prevent the .cpg file from being produced?


I've tried setting the workbench back to polygonm but that hasn't fixed the's strange as i wouldn't expect this change to cause a .cpg to be created as that is a character set related file...any ideas on getting rid of it again?

