
"Cartographic Rendering Tricks"

  • 11 July 2013
  • 2 replies

Quite some time ago I asked about styling vector map local/ district with FME, since then it's been put aside cause we've had numerous other things to get done.



However I'm back at it, and I found the video done by Dotted Eyes "Cartographic Rendering Tricks with VectorMap Local"



On the AreaSymbolizer custom transformer, he (presumably) draws symbols using the information contained in the (in the example) 10k style, but it's very much a "and then magic happens" explination.



I know what i want to do, and roughly how do to it;

Read the xml in -> create the symbol -> pass the symbol to the SymbolFiller custom transformer



However, I have no idea how to make FME do that. Any pointers would be greatly apprechiated



Thanks in advance




2 replies

Userlevel 5



I suspect it is not trivial. Why not send them a mail and ask? :-)



Userlevel 5
Badge +25
I think I did something similar a long time ago. In broad terms, this is what I would suggest:





- Draw my symbols, centered on (0,0) and store them. I think I used MapInfo mid/mif back then since it'll retain color information (stored them individually). Nowadays I'd probably try some WKT and keep it all in a single file.





- Read in the XML


- Loop through all point symbols, record x and y of the points


- Join them with the symbol table


- Place the symbol instance (at 0,0) and offset it to the point x and y



Hope this makes it a bit more clear, and just to point out: this is what I would try, it's not necessarily what Dotted Eyes have done. As is often the case in FME: there may be more ways to reach your goal.
