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Breaking linear feature at Particular coordinate

  • 15 March 2013
  • 1 reply

Hi All,



I have a requirement of exporting Smallworld data into shape files, in that a challenging task is to break the linear feature at particular coordinates. I have the coordinates where i need to break in linear feature. Please suggest how I need to break the linear feature at that particular coordinates.






1 reply

Badge +3
The PointOnLineOverlayer is designed to do this particular function.



You can translate your coordinate list to points via the 2DPointReplacer.



  1. Read in your list of coordinates
  2. Pass them into a 2DPointReplacer
  3. Set up a CoordinateSystemSetter if necessary
  4. Pass the new points into a PointOnLineOverlayer via the Point port
  5. Pass your lines into the same PointOnLineOverlayer via the Line port
  6. Attach a visualiser to the output Line port.
