I'm using FME Desktop 2014 sp2. I want to reproject the X,Y coordinates of a point feature type (mapinfo, in NAD83) into the appropriate NAD83 MTM projection. I have an attribute named "ZONE_MTM" (string) that gives me the MTM zone a need to reproject in. However, when I use the "AttributeReprojector" transformer and, inside it, use a conditional value, I systematically get an "invalid test expression"!
I have tried forcing a "string" or a "number" comparison (instead of the "automatic" comparison). I have also tried using "begins with" but I still get the error. Any idea why?
Here is the error log:
AttributeReprojector: Invalid Test Expression: TEST<at>Value<openparen>ZONE_MTM<closeparen>=7.
AttributeReprojector: Failed to evaluate input expression: FME_CONDITIONAL:DEFAULT_VALUE'@Abort(NO GOOD)'BOOL_OP;OR;COMPOSITE_TEST;<Unused>;(ZONE_MTM)=7'MTM83-7'BOOL_OP;OR;COMPOSITE_TEST;<Unused>;(ZONE_MTM)=8'MTM83-8'FME_NUM_CONDITIONS3___
Storing feature(s) to FME feature store file `mapping_log.ffs'
Feature Type: `AttributeReprojector_OUTPUT'
Attribute(string) : `LAT_N83' has value `54.167569'
Attribute(string) : `LONG_N83' has value `-72.609292'
Attribute(string) : `MTM_83_E' has value `362967.48'
Attribute(string) : `MTM_83_N' has value `6004333.67'
Attribute(string) : `ZONE_MTM' has value `8'
Coordinate System: `LL-83'
Geometry Type: IFMEPoint
Coordinate Dimension: 2