If the requirement is to extract the digits part from the attribute_B, the StringSearcher with this setting might help you.
Search In: attribute_B
Regular Expression: \\d+
Matched Result Attribute: attribute_A
The regular expression "\\d+" matches with one or more consecutive digits, and the transformer assigns the matched part to the attribute specified in the "Matched Result Attribute" parameter.
Thanks. But that's not what I need. My example just gives the wrong impression.Sorry for that.
I need for instance, type1 -> 133, type2 -> 343, etc. Of course, after I can get the unique values from attribute B, I need to manually assign new values to those unique values. Then apply them to the attribute A of all the features.
I got it. I would use the DuplicateRemover to get unique values of the attribute_B, and write them into an external table. e.g. csv.
Edit the table manually to define corresponding values (A) for each value (B); and then, merge the A values read from the table to the source data with FeatureMerger or Joiner, using B value as the join key.