
Assign Nearest Values to the Line Feature Automatically

Badge +1


Working on Win7 FME 2014 32b.



I have a road network with line feature that shows the max. speed allowed on that road segment as attached (40, 60, 80,..). But at some points, the speed of the segment is not displayed (A and B).Since there are nodes/junctions on the roads, we cannot join it. Is there any possible way so that we can get the default value of the missing road speeds as the nearest left and right speed values. Thanks :)



2 replies

Userlevel 5



how about using a TopologyBuilder and then traversing the resulting nodes / lines using the _from_node and _to_node attributes to find the speed restrictions of the neighboring segments.



Badge +22
You have several different options:
  • like David suggested you can build a topoly and traverse the nodes
  • you can use a NeighbourFinder with a distance of zero  (features missing speed to base and those with speed to candidate)
  • you can use the LineJoiner with Preserve Lines as Path Segments set to yes, and then split the line back into it's component segments
