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ArcGIS Snap Raster equivalent to align raster grids

  • February 11, 2022
  • 2 replies


Hello FME users,


I am looking for a solution that is the equivalent to ArcGIS snap raster. My situation is that I have road netowrk, rivers and lakes (all in vector format) and I need to transform those into raster format. I already have a grid template (coming from a 10m resolution slope raster) and I want all my vector to raster outputs to fit with absolute precision. I have tried to use min/max coordinates but the resultat is not good enough (see images below for transformer parameters and resulting rasters.)


I am sure this standard ArcGIS procedure MUST have an equivalent in FME(otherwise, PLEASE make sure to develop one!). Can anyone enlight me?


Kind regards,


none matching rasterstransformer

2 replies


Hi @amdubois​ FME does not have an explicit transformer than can perform a Snap function but there's a couple options here to perform the same function as a Snap.

  • Use the Offsetter or the RasterResampler to align your two raster datasets
  • If the rasters are in the same area, you can use a RasterMosaiker with the template raster arriving at the Mosaiker first and the raster you want to snap coming in second (thanks to @jdh​ for this trick!)
  • Use the RasterGeoreferencer to set the resolution and spacing of the raster you want to snap
  • If you're familiar with python you can use the PythonCaller to use the ArcPy module and call the ArcGIS SnapRaster function


Hope this helps!

  • Author
  • February 20, 2022


Thanks for your suggestions. I'm still trying to work it out with arcpy and pyhtonCaller but I believe this pretty much my only option. I've launched the Idea to add this as a simple feature, I can't be the only one hoping for this :

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