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I have to add a custom coordinate system that includes a custom datum to FME2013. I know how I can add the custom coordinate system to my file "MyCoordSysDefs.fme". Where can I add the custom datum information and how is the syntax?



Can you provide any help?





Hi Borone,



have you looked at this article?



Hi David,



yes, I read this article. I know, how I reference my custom coordinate system definition to a pre-defined datum definition with the parameter "DT_NAME".



But how and where can I add my custom datum?



Hi Borone,



check Workbench menu Help > FME Coordinate Systems to open 'FME Desktop Help', go to FME Coordinate Systems > Datums > Datum Definition page, then you can see the syntax of a datum definition. And there are some examples of 'DATUM_DEF' directives for new datum definitions in 'MyCoordSysDefs.fme'.



Hi Takashi,



in my 'MyCoordSysDefs.fme' there are no examples of 'DATUM_DEF' directives!


Thank you for your advice. I found the syntax of datum definition in FME Coordinate Systems > Datums > Datum Definition.



Do you know if I can use other transformation methods beside Bursa-Wolf ('USE BURSA') except using grids?





Hi Borone,



In here you can find all the use type available for datum definitions.


Hope this helps
Hi Itay and Takashi,



thank you for your advices. I've got the right information for the definitions.



