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3D geometry to Oracle

  • 20 February 2013
  • 2 replies

Hello all.   I am reading a CAD file with 2d geometry, however in a certain moment I force it to 3d  geometry with 0 as z value, after that, I am trying to write to Oracle Spatial Object, but what returns is - The geometry type `3002' is not understood by the Oracle Spatial writer . Would you know what is happens? There is a relation with the version 11g?   Thanks in Advance.

2 replies

Badge +19
3D support for this type of feature was introduced in Oracle 11.1. Is this the version of Oracle that you are attempting to load?
Badge +2

Max - Are you trying to load 3D Solids or 3D Geometry? In Oracle 11.1 solid support was added as David says, but 3D Geometry was supported in versions before that. 

SDO_GTYPE 3002 is a 3D Line, 3008 is a Solid


  • How are you converting to 3D - with 3DForcer?
  • Which version of FME and which version of Oracle?
  • What is the setting for dimension in the writer Format Parameters?
  • What is the value from Oracle USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for this table?


