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We currently have a process where an automation is stopped by any upstream failure triggering a workspace which contains a httpcaller with a call to the fme rest api to stop the automation.


The request is configured to use $(FME_SERVER_WEB_URL) and an the Automation General Attribute/Key AutomationID to construct the request for the api so in this way it is generic.


I’m wondering if there’s any way to use the user running the automation as authentication for the http request?

 Hi @ebygomm,

At the moment, there's no straightforward way to achieve this. One option is to use the FME_SECURITY_USER parameter in the HTTP Caller to dynamically set the authenticated user as the one running the workspace. However, you would also need that user’s password.

To avoid sending unencrypted passwords, you could create a user parameter for each user that stores their hashed password and then reference it at runtime. This approach may work if you have a small number of users, but it could become cumbersome for a larger organization. 


If you would like to see this in a future build, feel free to add it as an idea!
