
checking for a (security) hotfix / patch or upgrade recommendation

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We have processes in place for ArcGIS Enterprise patching but none for FME Server.


Occasionally there is a hotfix that is released that is security related. Or last month there was an update from our vendor on their website related to CVEs and upgrading.


Is there a central place that we can get this information from? Preferably without having to do a manual check on a website page etc.


I have signed up our support email to the Stay Informed email list on Would this email list suffice or are there any other feeds that we could check in relation to security patches?


Best answer by hollyatsafe 8 September 2022, 00:51

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10 replies

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Hi @annette2​ ,


Our Security team is currently working on putting together an email distribution list specifically for sharing information related to security and FME. I have added the email associated with your account to this list so that you will receive any future notifications. If there is anyone else from your organization that you'd like to be added, or if you'd prefer a different email from the one on your account to be used, please submit a case with 'ATTN Holly' in the subject and I will add these emails to the list as well.


If any other Community users come across this post and would also like someone from their organization to be added to this list I'd also encourage you to submit a case.

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Thanks Holly. Do you know when these emails will start to be sent?

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Thanks Holly. Do you know when these emails will start to be sent?

Hi @annette2​ ,

This is a new process so we are still finalizing some of the details but the plan is that this distribution list will be used to notify customers of future security incidents that have been assessed by our team to pose a significant risk to users and/or that warrant user action.

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Hi @annette2​ ,

This is a new process so we are still finalizing some of the details but the plan is that this distribution list will be used to notify customers of future security incidents that have been assessed by our team to pose a significant risk to users and/or that warrant user action.

Hi Holly - is there an update on the email regarding security patches etc?


Just before Christmas we we deploying 2022.1 and got an email from our distributor regarding the CVE issue with a solution of an upgrade to 2022.2. It would be great if we got these sort of emails directly to our support box so there are no delays.

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Hi @annette2​ ,


The good news is that we have a security Trust Center in the works! and it should help you stay on top of any security concerns. The bad news is it's not out yet, but we will keep you updated.

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Hi @annette2​ ,


The good news is that we have a security Trust Center in the works! and it should help you stay on top of any security concerns. The bad news is it's not out yet, but we will keep you updated.

Hi @richardatsafe​ - is there any update on the Trust Center? Thanks

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Hi @annette2​ ,


Our Security team is currently working on putting together an email distribution list specifically for sharing information related to security and FME. I have added the email associated with your account to this list so that you will receive any future notifications. If there is anyone else from your organization that you'd like to be added, or if you'd prefer a different email from the one on your account to be used, please submit a case with 'ATTN Holly' in the subject and I will add these emails to the list as well.


If any other Community users come across this post and would also like someone from their organization to be added to this list I'd also encourage you to submit a case.

I have submitted case C688049 to have another email added to the list. Do you know when the distribution list will start being used?


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Hi @richardatsafe​ - is there any update on the Trust Center? Thanks

Hi @annette2​ ,


Unfortunately, I don't have an update at this time. It will be out relatively soon, and when I have a date or its open I'll update this thread

 Hi @richardatsafe (Safer)​ - is there any update on the Trust Center?

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 Hi @richardatsafe (Safer)​ - is there any update on the Trust Center?

Hi @captonssj​ ,


Sorry, I don't have an update but expect it to be out within the next two weeks.
