
Web Traffic security between FME Flow and Snowflake

  • 2 November 2023
  • 3 replies

Badge +3

We are looking to set up an integration between Snowflake and ArcGIS Online and need some assistance with network security.


We've found that ArcGIS Online encrypts all traffic to and from through TLS 1.2 or later with AES256. We also found that Snowflake operates in the same manner.


This would mean all web traffic to and from both data sources and the FME Flow server would be secure through the above protocols, correct?

3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +36

At a high level, yes.


Depending exactly how your internal network is setup traffic may flow unencrypted through your internal network.  eg

internet --https-->  company network --http--> fme --http--> company network --https--> internet

But it is more likely to  be https all the way through

Userlevel 1
Badge +11

Yes, I think it is pretty safe to assume HTTPS/TLS all the way here.

Since this communication is initiated by the FME Flow engine, using the HTTPS protocol the traffic would be encrypted.

Wireshark and Fiddler are a couple of tools you could use to 'confirm' this is the case, but I am very confident there's no issue here with unencrypted data being transmitted.

Our Dev Team made me aware of this:

Badge +3

Yes, I think it is pretty safe to assume HTTPS/TLS all the way here.

Since this communication is initiated by the FME Flow engine, using the HTTPS protocol the traffic would be encrypted.

Wireshark and Fiddler are a couple of tools you could use to 'confirm' this is the case, but I am very confident there's no issue here with unencrypted data being transmitted.

Our Dev Team made me aware of this:

Thank you for your answer. I believe this is exactly what we were looking for.
