I have a non-spatial table in MS SQL database with lat/long coordinates. In my workspace I use the VertexCreator + EsriReprojector to create point geometries in our standard projection. Now I want to write the point features to a new feature class in an Enterprise Geodatabase (SQL Server back end). The database connection I am using for the writer has permission to create table in the geodatabase and I am able to create feature classes in the geodatabase outside of FME. But in the workspace, the translation fails with this error:
“An error occurred while attempting to create the feature class 'My_New_Feature_Class'. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147216035'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {This geodatabase does not support this client or operation iThis geodatabase does not support this client or operation] oMy_New_Feature_Class]}
I have searched for this error code and do not find much out there, so I am hoping someone here may have add a similar error and found a solution. Thank you! - Tiffany
Note: This translation also fails if I attempt to write to a different enterprise geodatabase as well. Other translations I run where I write new feature classes to this geodatabase succeed. So the issue appears to be something with this particular workspace and not the geodatabases themselves.
FME(R) 2023.1.1.0 (20230928 - Build 23631 - WIN64)