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I’m using FME to push and pull some data from Neo4J. For the connection I’m using the JDBC driver from Neo4J with the SQLExecutor. I’m getting various warning message in my FME logs and wondering if some configuration that can be done with the driver settings (connection property/value) to either prevent them or quiet them.

To be clear, my workbench succeeds and have no issue with everything completing. It is just these popup in FME Flow for completed Job logs. 


Here are the two most popular (both warnings):

  • JDBC Reader: Unable to preload JDBC Driver Class 'Neo4j'. Error: Neo4j
  • JDBC Reader: Skipping data in column '.errorMessages' due to error (JDBC Type = JAVA_OBJECT, Vendor Type Name = MAP, Error: Method getBytes in class org.neo4j.jdbc.Neo4jResultSet is not yet implemented.)

Hi @ssmith_ftr 

Do you have Debug Logging enabled by any chance in FME Workbench? You can check this by opening the workspace in FME Workbench > Tools > FME Options > Translation > Make sure Log Debug is unchecked and then republishing the workspace.


The “Log Debug” is unchecked. However thanks for pointing to those FME preferences. I do have “Log Warnings” checked. Based on what you are saying I could uncheck warnings and republish to make them disappear from FME Flow.

I just usually try and get my workbenches with minimal amount of warnings. In this case I was hoping to clean up the way FME loads and executes the JDBC driver for Neo4J. I’ll have to decide if I want to turn off all warnings for this workbench to make the logs look better in FME Flow.

I’ll mark your answer as best solution as it did point me to where I can disable warnings.


