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I am having a simple workspace; just a reader and writer (see screenshot below).
The FeatureReader reads from a Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial and the FeatureWriter writes to Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial. 
The datamodel in both databases is the same and in the target database the table already exists.
When writing it to the database there are warnings about the field type. 

For example (see also screenshot below)
Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Writer: Attribute `.....' of feature type `.....' has specified type `varchar(1)', but existing database table field has type `varchar(2)'. Information may be lost during conversion

It seems to double all the varchars; and also getting messages about bigint vs numeric. 
The data is correctly written in target but I want to get rid of all the warnings. 

I have tried various thing with reading the schema from both the source and the target table. 
Also tried with 'normal' readers and writers. And also tried with JDBC reader and writer.

Does anyone have any idea how this issue can be solved?

Kind regards,




What version of FME are you using?


It was a known issue a couple of years ago, see this thread

Write varbinary type to SQL server non spatial writer in FME Workbench 2022 | Community

I forgot to mention the version. I am working with FME Desktop 2022.2


So there might be a fix already.
