I am trying to use HTTPCaller to generate a token which can be used in a REST API Service. The token can be generated manually from the web site: https://gisservices.information.qld.gov.au/ArcGIS/tokens/generateToken. I am putting the parameters for this into the 'Query String Parameters box'. I just need an example of how this is done using the HTTPCaller? I keep getting 'HTTP Method Not Allowed'
Seems you have to use POST over an https connection, unless they have specifically activated GET. Documentation: http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/arcgis-rest-api/index.html#//02r3000000ts000000
Thanks David, I have changed to a POST but I am still not getting a token back: {"error":{"code":201,"message":"Exception in generating token","details":"Invalid request <br>Usage: https://gisservices.information.qld.gov.au/arcgis/tokens?request=gettoken&username;=username&password;=password&<br>Usage: https://gisservices.information.qld.gov.au/arcgis/tokens/generateToken?username=username&password;=password
I am just not sure what values should be in the HTTPCaller httpcaller.pdf
@itay Hi , Can you please provide your example Workspace again:
I can't seem to retrieve it?Made with FME 2017
@itay Hi , Can you please provide your example Workspace again:
I can't seem to retrieve it?Made with FME 2017
Hi @itay, Thankyou very much for this. That worked perfectly on the desktop. I will apply this to FME Server as well. Just a quick question, can you explain the 'Content Type:
application/x-www-form-urlencoded and how it is derived? Thanks again, John
Hi @itay, Thankyou very much for this. That worked perfectly on the desktop. I will apply this to FME Server as well. Just a quick question, can you explain the 'Content Type:
application/x-www-form-urlencoded and how it is derived? Thanks again, John
I have converted my previous comment to an answer.
Thanks David, I have changed to a POST but I am still not getting a token back: {"error":{"code":201,"message":"Exception in generating token","details":"Invalid request <br>Usage: https://gisservices.information.qld.gov.au/arcgis/tokens?request=gettoken&username;=username&password;=password&<br>Usage: https://gisservices.information.qld.gov.au/arcgis/tokens/generateToken?username=username&password;=password
I am just not sure what values should be in the HTTPCaller httpcaller.pdf