I have an extremely simple workspace with a creator and an HTTPCaller that just downloads a file from a fixed location to a file share. Runs on my machine in fme desktop but when I publish to server, I get an error. However, the file successfully downloads when run from server. If I set the workspace parameter for Rejected Feature Handling to "Continue Translation" the workspace is successful and I get my file.
So is this indicative of a problem? I don't want to get blocked from the wfas site if they don't like my request.
FME Server 2019.2.1
Build 19813 - win64FME Desktop 2019.2.1.0
Build 19813 - win32
52HTTPCaller (HTTPFactory): HTTP/FTP Transfer: Downloading resource 'https://wfas.net/google-earth/wfas_nfdr.kmz' to local file '\\\\blah\\blah\\wfas_nfdr.zip'53HTTPCaller (HTTPFactory): HTTP transfer summary - status code: 403, download size: '3496 bytes', DNS lookup time: '0.001847 seconds', total transfer time: '0.214343 seconds', url: 'https://wfas.net/google-earth/wfas_nfdr.kmz'54HTTPCaller (HTTPFactory): Received HTTP response header: 'HTTP/1.1 403 RestrictedServerAccess' from 'https://wfas.net/google-earth/wfas_nfdr.kmz'