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FME TEMP Configuration in FME Workbench 2024 on Ubuntu

  • 18 March 2024
  • 2 replies

I recently upgraded my FME Workbench install on Ubuntu 22.04.  Everything had been running correctly before this.  I had set up the .profile in Linux to point at a much larger hard drive (7 TB) rather than the small 50Gb drive they have configured as the HOME/default.  When I am running processes on large data sets (hundreds of millions of records) the temp fills up with gigs of data so I needed that pointed to that larger drive.  After installing FME 2024 it is acting like it doesn’t see the FME_TEMP setting and longer.  I even went in the .profile this morning to check that it was still there. 

Have there been any changes made to the software related to this setting? 

If not, how do I get workbench to start playing nice again? 

Any information or guidance would be appreciated. 

2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +17

Hi @wisegis thanks for the question. A colleague did some quick testing and it seems to work the same as it did before with 2024.0, so additionally I’m wondering if there is any additional information you could provide?

Perhaps create a case with us so that we can investigate further!

Badge +14

I was able to get it working.  I had an error where my drive was full so I assumed that the upgrade did it, but that might not have been the case.  To cover myself I did edit the /.profile temp settings to all point to the larger drive.  I will read the article you linked to just to be more familiar in case I run into anything else.  I know just enough Linux to get myself in trouble (obviously).  This computer had so much more horsepower I need it for the large data sets I am running.  Thank you!
