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"FME Fails to check overlapped hatches when transform them from AutoCad to ArcMap."

FME transform overlapped
hatches within the same layer from Autocad to ArcMap with no notification of
double hatches. And this leads to defect in data when uploading them to our

What do you think
about this?

Is there anyway to
check double hatches in Autocad when Transforming?



There are many solutions to this issue. I think the Matcher Transformer will help you most since you can use both attributes and geometry to check your features.

Hi @alaa_flaifel,

I think the SpatialFilter is your best bet to find the overlapping Hatches. You can use the Group By option in the transformer to restrict the comparisons to within the same LayerName value, if you want.

Thanks a lot!

Spatial filter (intersect Type) worked well with us.


