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When publishing a workspace to Server, you have the option of pushing up your database connections. My idea is to be able to download these to be added to your Workbench database connections. This could be helpful to editors who do not have the connections settings, and would also help rebuild your desktop environment (i.e. if you have a new computer or your system crashes.)

I suppose this could be a security issue, but my assumption is that if I gave you sufficient privileges to download/publish then you should also be granted access to the db connections. It may also help that the password characters are not displayed on the connection properties dialogs. I also assume these are not stored in plain text.

I like he idea of having a central storage of database connections.

It would be great if downloading the connections would require a separate security setting to avoid unwanted downloads.

With this restriction you got my vote.

I just replaced my laptop at work due to a lease return cycle and did not realize that connections were not stored in Program Data or other profile locations such as Documents etc. As such, I've lost them and thought I would be able to at least get the ones in use on FME Server back to my machine. I hope there is a workaround to do just that!

Also web connections.

These should be stored in a location that can be shared to users and allow them to pull these connections locally, or even better add as a configurable location to FME Desktop so that they can be published and automatically shared through desktop to users with the right permissions.

That would be a great option. I think the feature is mandatory if using FME in a Team...

We need a share repository of resources when an ETL becomes central in an organisation...

Love the idea! For enterprises that use FME Flow, I'd prefer to have my connection details stored behind an authenticated service, as opposed to file-based approaches. Nice to have that extra layer of security.

Apologies for the multiple changes in status or any confusion. We are working on automations behind the scenes and still smoothing out a few issues. This idea has been identified by the Product team as something they are looking into more, and the status is officially Gathering Interest.
ArchivedGathering Interest

Gathering InterestIn Development

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