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The default and non-overwritable company proxy setting on our FME server machines has not been working consistently against external data services in our 2019.2.1 FME server. I was glad it started to work consistently 4 weeks ago with our FME server 2020.1.3 upgrade in which we explicitly set the Proxy to a proxy IP address/Port inside the FME server. However, it stopped working since a week ago. The FME server error message shows the server is using the default company proxy setting again. Should the FME server proxy setting overwrite the server machine's proxy setting?

Hi @aguan​ ,


You are correct the WebUI proxy settings should take effect over the system proxy settings. There is an error in 2020.1 that is resolved in 2020.2 (20739) where the proxy exceptions were being ignored by the httpCaller when a python transformer (pythonCaller, emailer, fmeserverjobsubmitter) were also in the workspace. (FMESERVER-15680), but we can't replicate a case where the system proxy is taking precedence over the FME Server WebUI proxy settings currently. Feel free to create a case and we can take a look at your system and configuration to see what might be going wrong.



Hi @aguan​ ,


You are correct the WebUI proxy settings should take effect over the system proxy settings. There is an error in 2020.1 that is resolved in 2020.2 (20739) where the proxy exceptions were being ignored by the httpCaller when a python transformer (pythonCaller, emailer, fmeserverjobsubmitter) were also in the workspace. (FMESERVER-15680), but we can't replicate a case where the system proxy is taking precedence over the FME Server WebUI proxy settings currently. Feel free to create a case and we can take a look at your system and configuration to see what might be going wrong.



@richardatsafe, good to know. In my cause, calls to external rest data services (httpCaller) and AWS S3 connections all failed. I will open a case.
