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Now this is a very specific topic that I have only had the opportunity to speak with some customers about, but we wanted to get a more general pulse...


Did you know that when you access the FME Server REST API documentation pages – e.g. – that you are able to paste in your own API token so that you can test with it?


As we are underway on the next iteration of the REST API, we wanted to understand how important (i.e. "not at all" to "CRITICAL!") the ability to paste in token values for testing purposes is for you.


Of course, you are also able to generate a temporary token for testing (that matches your user account permissions). This is a specific use case for testing with an existing token value that you have modified or set custom permissions for.


Please let us know by adding a comment!

I use the copy and paste functionality for testing permissions on an API token that I generate ever so often. I like having the ability to test directly on the page. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being critical), I would say it's a 5, as I can get by without.

Personally I don't need to use a specific token from inside the API documentation, I would use something like Postman or Insomnia for that stage.

For our use I think it is not critical as we use mainly Postman for this kind of work. I did use it a lot when I started to learn working with the API, but not using a specific token.

Most of the time, I don't need to paste a specific token. I just use the one that is generated for testing the API.

On some rare case however, I had the need to verify if some token that is being used had the right permissions, but that's it.

So I'll say it would be nice to have it there, but not critical.
