Hello There
I am using FME to generate a WebSocket stream, on the desktop we are getting the valid JSON format, but when published to the server I am getting an extract Caracter ( " \\") backslash
{ "ws_publisher_content": "{ \\"type\\" : \\"FeatureCollection\\", \\"Features\\" : [ { \\"type\\" : \\"Features\\", \\"geometry\\" : { \\"type\\" : \\"Point\\", \\"coordinates\\" : [ 48.740187789955101, 27.965531016954699 ] }, \\"properties\\" : { \\"truck_plate\\" : \\"YHSR2379\\", \\"latitude\\" : 27.965531016954699, \\"longitude\\" : 48.740187789955101, \\"event_type\\" : null, \\"event_color\\" : null, \\"severity\\" : null, \\"status\\" : \\"On_Road\\", \\"counter\\" : 1562, \\"time_stampe\\" : 20230115061550 } } ] }", "ws_topic": "esr_geoevent_demo", "fns_type": "ws_publisher" }
the app consuming this web socket will not accept this structure