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This week I paid attention that most "Learn" buttons in Fme Server Playground - Demos page started to give error 404 Not Found.

List of demo examples with erroneous "Learn":

  1. Data Upload and Validation
  2. Data Validation FME Server App
  3. Data Distribution with ArcGIS Server
  4. Data Distribution FME Server App
  5. Data Distribution for Raster Data
  6. Data Distribution for Point Cloud Data
  7. Easy Geocoder
  8. Easy Translator
  9. Easy Translator FME Server App
  10. Live Spatial Dashboard
  11. Real-time Data Validation and Display
  12. Mobile Asset Tracking with Geofence and Notification
  13. INSPIRE GML Validator

Maybe something happened and spoiled the links, since few days ago, at least items 8, 9 above had good links on their "Learb" buttons.



I suspect the move to this new user community may have something to do with it. @mark2atsafe​ @brianatsafe​ could you take a look at this?

I suspect the move to this new user community may have something to do with it. @mark2atsafe​ @brianatsafe​ could you take a look at this?

Thanks both! I suspect the same. I'll pass this to the team to review and correct.
