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I'm trying to run a workspace in FME Server. It has a few different KML writers, each one with a "Filename (output)" parameter for the output file. It works fine in FME Desktop, but when I run it in FME Server with the same parameters (Manage Schedules -> Enter parameters -> Trigger), I get some errors (I'm replacing the actual path elements with "blah" to avoid any problems with the client's security policies):


KML: The file `\\\\blah\\blah\\blah\\' has an invalid or unsupported extension `'

KML: Parent folder `\\\\blah\\blah\\blah\\' does not exist.

KML: Cannot write to dataset `\\\\blah\\blah\\blah\\blah blah.kml'

KML: Error initializing writer

OGCKML writer: A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details


The first message seems strange, as it doesn't state the actual file name, but only the path (is it a bug?). The second says the folder does not exist, but it does.


I've tried entering the following:

  • Remove spaces: \\\\blah\\blah\\blah\\blah_blah.kml
  • Double-backslashes: \\\\\\\\blah\\\\blah\\\\blah\\\\blah blah.kml
  • Slashes: //blah/blah/blah/blah blah.kml
  • Double-double-quotes: ""\\\\blah\\blah\\blah\\blah blah.kml""


None of those worked. Is there a rule I'm missing here? I believe I've read the relevant sections in the documentation.


Any suggestions are appreciated.


Thank you,



Hi @vmtng​ 

The path \\\\blah\\blah\\blah\\blah blah.kml should work. What I think is going on is your FME Server doesn't have permission to write to that network drive.


Can you confirm with your IT, that the account running the Engine Service, has access to the network drive you are writing to? See for more details on managing permissions to that engine account.

Hi Sienna,


I had run the same workspace using FME Desktop in the same server, with the same account, with no errors. So I assumed the permissions were OK. I have just tested opening the same location on Windows Explorer (again, under the same account), creating a new file, deleting it, all went well.


I've tried now the double-double-quotes again, both with single and double backslashes, and it worked - I don't understand why it didn't work last week. And it failed again on the writer parameter with no quotes.


I'll put the quotes on everything, and see what happens.


Thank you,



Hi, just to wrap this up:


When I said I ran it on FME Desktop with the same account, I was wrong. This is a new installation, and we missed the step to change the user that runs the engine service. So you were right, Sienna, it was a permissions issue. We changed the user and it's running OK now.


Thank you,



