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Hello FME community,


I can't login to FME server anymore. When checking the Windows services, I can see that the FME Server Database is not running. When trying to manually restart it, it switches off again after a few seconds. And when I look into the ../FMEServer/resources/logs/installation/CreateDatabase.log or CreateUser.log I see that it is looking for a database on localhost on a certain port (see figure). However, I can't find this postgresql database back.


I did install a new postgresql database yesterday, but that one is operating on a different port than mentioned in the above log files. Could it be that FME server is looking to the wrong postgresql database?


I am looking forward to the responses.


Kind regards,



Have you tried rebooting the server? I've seen some cases of orphaned postgresql instances that blocked the service from starting properly.

Other than that you should look into the postgresql server logs, under <pgsql>\\data\\logs

Have you tried rebooting the server? I've seen some cases of orphaned postgresql instances that blocked the service from starting properly.

Other than that you should look into the postgresql server logs, under <pgsql>\\data\\logs

Hi @david_r,

Rebooting the server did the trick. Thanks a lot!

As a general question: My data folder is empty, so there is no logs folder in it. Is that strange?


Hi @david_r,

Rebooting the server did the trick. Thanks a lot!

As a general question: My data folder is empty, so there is no logs folder in it. Is that strange?


Great to hear that the reboot fixed the issue, it was probably an orphaned process that was the problem in that case.

Which data folder are you referring to? It's only strange if something doesn't work as it should, I'd say. If it's the Resources/Data folder you're referring to, that one is empty by default, unless you put something in there yourself.

You'll find most logs in the Resources/Logs subfolders, except for the postgresql logs which are located under the postgresql installation directory that you specify during installation (default is under C:\\ProgramData)
