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Hi, I am a master scholar conducting a study on BIM and GIS. I am also new to using FME and don't have a background in computer science. My question is, what is the difference between the attributes in a table and the hidden attributes in properties? Why are they hidden, and why is it necessary to expose them using the Transform Attribute Exposer (not Automatic Exposer)? Additionally, what are trails? I'm somewhat confused about understanding these terms.

Another question regarding geometry, from my readings, geometry can be created through BREP, Extruded, and Sweep methods. How is this determined in FME, as I only see IFMEMesh, IFMEFace, and so on?

Some attributes are hidden because they're either used internally by FME (everything starting with fme_ for example) or the specific format. Generally those are things that are not of immediate use to the end-user or should be mapped to format-specific output attributes. FME hides those so as to not overwhelm you but you can use an AttributeExposer (or exposing them on the reader feature type) to show them.

Hi @abdullah83​ ,

About traits.

A feature has attributes and a geometry, and a geometry can have properties - Geometry Name and Trait(s). Sometimes a geometry consists of one or more geometry part(s) with hierarchical structure, each or which is also a geometry and can have properties individually as well.

Traits are something like attributes, but they are linked to a geometry, not directly linked to a feature.

See here to learn more about geometry concepts in FME.!FME_Geometry/General_Concepts.htm
