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Using the FME Server REST API repositories I am able to retrieve items for every repository using the HTTPCaller , but I have a difficulty retrieving an actual item (the .fmw to download or put into a parameter)

As in this example

imageI tried Accept=contents and disposition=inline in the Headers section of HTTPCaller, but all I get is information about the items and not the item itself

imageCan someone give me an example of configuration of the HTTPCaller in order to retrive de item itself.


Thanks in advance!

So this is what works for me.


You just need the right path to the workspace. The request must be a GET and you need to make sure you are saving the repose to a file. You will also need to make sure the Web Connection you're using has the correct permission to download items from the required repository.


You don't need to worry about the Content-Type here. Just leave headers blank.



I also recommend that you use a TextEncoder on both the repository and workspace name before using it as part of the URL in the HTTPCaller, e.g.

imageYou can then use the GET method on the API, e.g.



Thank you both virtualcitymatt and david_r for your answers!
