Getting failure from a <rejected> feature even though Rejected Feature Handling: Continue Translation selected:
2019-04-09 14:03:26|1543.0| 0.0|ERROR |FeatureMerger_2_<Rejected> (TeeFactory): FeatureMerger_2_<Rejected>: Termination Message: 'FeatureMerger_2 output a <Rejected> feature. To continue translation when features are rejected, change 'Workspace Parameters' > Translation > 'Rejected Feature Handling' to 'Continue Translation''
2019-04-09 14:03:26|1543.0| 0.0|ERROR |FeatureMerger_2_<Rejected>: Termination Message: 'FeatureMerger_2 output a <Rejected> feature. To continue translation when features are rejected, change 'Workspace Parameters' > Translation > 'Rejected Feature Handling' to 'Continue Translation''
I ran the fmw twice and got the same result. Here's my log up to the point of failure, if you're curious...Log with Feature Caching.txt