Hi @dewan,
Could you describe the steps you have taken to install the package?
Packages are very different from custom transformers and install all necessary dependencies of the new transformer for FME Workbench. Therefore just copying the file into the transformers folder won't install a package correctly. In general, a package is installed by selecting it via the Quick Search in FME Workbench (typing KafkaConnector on the canvas) or by double-clicking the package file that was downloaded from the FME Hub. Both ways should install the package and its dependencies in the correct folders on your system and there should be no manual step necessary.
Can you try to reinstall the transformer by removing it via Tools > FME Options > FME Packages > Remove and then just add the KafkaConnector via the Quick search in FME Workbench. This should install the package automatically.
Please let me know if this was helpful and whether you still have trouble installing the transformer.