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(1) Created a SQL view that inner join multiple tables from two different database servers with where conditions. Which Transformer will be the simplest to mimic the SQL inner join? There are SQL Executor, FeatureJoiner, FeatureMerger etc. Not sure which one to use.

(2) Once I import those data into the destination SQL table, how can I also apply logic to also update another log table with each line item details (Trx ID, Name, Amount etc.)

(3) The import should also validate against the Trx ID in log table (from 2) to make sure there's no duplication trying to import again.


Still new to FME. Really appreciate for your advice.



Hey there, and welcome to FME! There are many transformers in FME that are capable of tackling the same task--all above transformers can be used to accomplish join. Has the table already been created (from1) and is the logic currently program into database design (from2,3)? Are you trying to use FME to mimic back-end database processes?


@fmesafejde​ Welcome to FME. Have a glance at the Knowledge Article Merging or Joining Spreadsheet or Database Data. About a page down there is a chart that might help you decide which transformer might be the most appropriate. Usual starting place is FeatureJoiner. We also ran a webinar on the topic and you can access the recording here.

Regarding updates: Updating Databases: Updating Individual Fields of a Record or webinar here
