I am trying to come up with a way to use FME Desktop to process files that will be automatically exported from a system and will likely be named with a timestamp (eg filename20230512132945.xlsx). The goal is to create an automated process to handle these files as the appear. I already run FME Desktop from the command line (via windows Task Scheduler), but I am wondering if there is a way to do it and also specify the name of the file I want to have read as a parameter?
Something like C:\\fme.exe workbench.fmw inputFile.xlsx
I don't think I am going to be able to count on these files having the same name every time, otherwise I could just run the workbench (c:\\fme.exe workbench.fmw)
I'd be grateful for any suggestions. I would happily try to do this with FME Server but it is not currently available to me.