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I would like to find a way to expose the plot size of a given AutoCad layout within the attributes. There is an attribute for "autocad_space" which gives the name of the layout for each feature, but is there an attribute to expose the actual layout/plot size (ex: "11 x 17").

To explain what I am trying to do - I have many AutoCad drawings that I need to analyze in FME. Many of the drawings have multiple layouts that are the same but different sizes, (ex: 11 x 17 and 24 x 36), but, I would like to focus on only one of them (the 11 x 17). The reason for focusing on one of them is to gather the information from inside of that plot/frame, and excluding any other data from outside of the frame. There is overlap in features if I don't narrow down the frame size.


Any help/advice is welcomed and appreciated.


Do you have any ideas about retrieving the layout page size for features, instead of the viewport size?

Hi @njsimmons44​,

When adding the DWG reader to your workspace, enable the Read Paper Space parameter, then enable Read Paper Space Layout Information.

When you run the workspace, features with the autocad_entity autocad_layout will be read as feature type '0'. These will have attributes on them (autocad_layout_limit_min/max_x/y) specifying the layout plot size.
