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I'm accessing an API using FME and trying to fetch records by passing certain ids as a parameter to the API . For example the API is,;=Y&getAddrDetails;=Y

In the above API, I need to keep on increment the value of searchVal=1 from 1 to 100 and then pass each to httpcaller to return the response.

I'm able to do this using python caller and get the response using for loop concept. But, I want to do this without python and use any other transformers which does the trick for me.

Any guidance would be appreciated.


You can use a looping custom transformer, more information here:

There's also a detailed tutorial in the training material:

I would use a Creator with 100 copies.

With AttributeManager I would create a new attribute: searchval = (@Value(_creation_instance) + 1)

The request would be like this:;=Y?tAddrDetails=Y
