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AttributeManager_10 (AttrSetFactory): 

Bulk features are not supported because of the setting for 'If Input Attribute is Missing'. Changing this to 'Remove Output Attribute' may improve performance

bulkattrI see no such setting in attributemanager_10.

Where is this setting? Form or Flow I get the same message in both.

I do have an sqlexxecutor directly in front of the attributemanager but do not see this exact setting in it.


The option you describe is a parameter of the AttributeRenamer, not the AttributeManager.

I guess it’s a log writing bug. I have the exact same setup (SQLExecutor - AttributeManager - ...) and I see the same messages along with the AttributeManager in the log file. My assumption is attribute renaming in the AttributeManager uses components also used by the AttributeRenamer which might trigger the log message (?) Although no output attribute removal is available in the AttributeManager.

Just guessing, maybe someone can point to the hidden option if it exists.
