
If I receive a "High Usage disk" alert clearance message before (by 15 mins) a "High usage disk" triggered alert, does it mean that currently I have that usage over the 90%?

  • 21 March 2023
  • 1 reply

Last saturday (23:46) I recieved the first message above. Then, at Sunday (00:01) I received the second one. Should I be worried about that? (So far, I have not received that kind of message again.)

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +15

Hello @jorgeherediasni​, thanks for posting. Are you able to share anymore information about your issue? For example, what version of FME are you currently using?


Does the warning always come from the same workspace? Or does this affect all of your workbenches? If this only occurs with one workspace, what data formats are you consuming/producing?


Have you reviewed this article: Performance Tuning in FME, to see if you can improve workspace efficiency? (more specifically the memory management sections). You might find some good tips! Happy to help, Kailin
